Wild horse milk is claimed could cure some diseases and increase sexual desire. Savor the legendary wild horse milk to make milk is much in demand. Like what properties are actually wild horse milk?
Wild Horse |
Milk wild horses of the most popular in Indonesia comes from Sumbawa West Nusa Tenggara. According to clinical nutritionists FKUI-RSCM Dr. Samuel Oentoro, MS, SpGK, wild horse milk content is almost the same as cow's milk or goat's milk.
But the wild horse milk have keuggulan because less protein than cow's milk making it suitable for babies or people lactose intolerance.
In 100 grams of milk contained 0.8 per cent of wild horses while cow's milk protein reached 3.2 percent. Horse milk also has a savory taste since the higher its sugar content reaches 6.8 per cent compared to 4.6 per cent cow's milk.
Wild Horse Milk |
In every 100 grams of milk a wild horse produces 44 calories, fewer than cow's milk is 64 calories so that makes people who drink milk fat horse is not fast.
"In general, wild horse milk is almost the same as milk from other animals, there was only a little different backgrounds depending on where the animal is alive," said Dr. Samuel detikHealth when contacted on Tuesday (26/04/2011).
Dr. Samuel tells the wild horse milk with milk from other animals such as cows and goats which contains proteins, carbohydrates, lactose, fat, calcium and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.
"It's just a different language just because food is a wild horse that obtained by the horse comes from natural forest and so is considered more beneficial," said the doctor who also practiced at Semanggi Specialist Clinic.
Horse milk is good for digestion because the protein chains are more easily digested body. With a healthy digestive then people will become more fit.
That's what people believed then that horse milk can increase sexual arousal when the actual efficacy of horse milk is more to good digestion and nutrient needs are met.
"If it has not been proven to increase virility because there is no research on the matter, so there's no scientific data," he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Aldrin Neilwan, P, MD, MARS, M. BioMed, Kes, SpAK as secretary of the field study of complementary medicine IDI said in exploiting natural resources must provide evidence of safety, effectiveness and quality as well as based on scientific evidence (evidence base).
"Milk is known to contain high levels of protein, and this protein is one of the materials needed by the body's cells to function optimally," he said.
Dr. Aldrin revealed cells in the body to function to receive information and adapt (balance) with the information it receives. So if the cells are good then it will function properly.
"Look for the benefits that exist in nature in order promotive efforts (improved health) and also compared with preventive medication, and do lifestyle changes for the better," he added.
So according to Dr. Samuel if you want to drink the milk of wild horses suppose other properties such as drinking milk is healthy because a lot of nutritional value, not because of magic cure disease or enhance sexual arousal.
[via:detik health]
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